Crystal Magic for Green Witches: Enhancing Nature’s Spells
These gems pack a punch when it comes to amplifying energy and connecting with the natural world. It's like having a direct hotline to Mother Earth herself.
How to Perform an Egg Cleanse
An egg cleanse is an energy-cleansing ritual where an egg is used to absorb negative energy, bad vibes, or emotional blockages from a person's body or aura.
Goddess Hel
Hel is the ultimate embodiment of the balance between light and darkness.
From Hexing to Warding: Decoding Baneful Magic
Want to know the difference between the less talked about practices? We're here to help.
Shinrin-Yoku: Forest Bathing
Shinrin-Yoku is the practice of immersing yourself in nature, especially in forests, to relax, de-stress, and improve your overall well-being.
A Beginner’s Guide to Nordic Runes
Norse Runes are not only a form of writing but also a system of divination and magic.
Goddess Brizo
Brizo is all about the sea and the moon, and she's got this uncanny power to cast dreams into our minds.
Messages from The Animal Kingdom
Sometimes chance encounter with an animal means more than meets the eye - sometimes these encounters are a form of communication between the physical and spiritual realms.
Witchy Paths: Which One is Which?
Explore different witchcraft traditions and types of modern witches.