Goddesses of the Underworld
Beyond the veil of the mundane world, lies the mysterious realm of the underworld.
Goddess Selene
Selene is the driving force and goddess of the Moon, and is one of the oldest deities in the Greek pantheon.
5 Ways to Connect with The Morrigan
The Morrigan is the Celtic goddess of death, battle, and victory.
Goddess Lilith
Lilith is no ordinary goddess – she's got a rich history found in Mesopotamian, Babylonian, and Judaic mythologies.
Goddess Amphitrite
Amphitrite is a Greek goddess of the sea, and she's got that calming, peaceful energy that's just perfect for our chaotic modern lives.
5 Ways to Connect with Brigid
Brigid is the Celtic goddess of Spring. She is a mother goddess with a warm energy and is known to inspire creative minds
Goddess Freya
Freya (or Freyja) belongs to the Norse pantheon. She is the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death.
5 Ways to Connect with Hecate
Hecate is the Greek goddess of magic, knowledge, and Witchcraft.