Herbs for Dream Magic
In witchcraft, we can turn to herbs to enhance dream recall, encourage lucid dreaming, or even receive prophetic visions while we sleep.
Magical Mugwort
Ah, mugwort—beloved by witches, herbalists, and dreamers alike. With its silvery leaves and rich folklore, this humble herb has a long-standing reputation as a botanical ally for all things mystical.
Marigolds are associated with the Sun, and symbolise love, abundance, warmth, and joy.
Autumn Gourde Enchantments: Pumpkin Magic 101
In a witch’s apothecary, the pumpkin is loved for its enchanting properties, folklore, and versatility in magical practices.
In witchcraft, the feminine gardenia enhances love, peace, and harmony.
Juniper, a fragrant evergreen shrub, has deep roots from various regions including Europe, Asia, and North America.
Lavender possesses a natural ability to ward off negative energies, making it an essential ingredient in protective spells and rituals.