A Waxing Moon Ritual
This ritual is perfect if you’re manifesting with the cycles of the moon or if you’re embarking on a new adventure and you need a little boost of energy, strength, or confidence.
Moon Phases: Energies, Crystals, and Herbs
Working with the eight phases of the moon.
Waning Moon Magic
The waning moon, with its decreasing light, symbolises a cosmic pause, a moment of reflection, and an opportunity for renewal.
Waxing Moon Magic
The waxing moon is a cosmic phase that beckons us to expand, to manifest, and to embrace the energies of growth and abundance.
Moon Gardening
Where hands dig deep into soil and dreams take root, there exists a practice that moves with the rhythm of the cosmos: gardening with Mother Moon.
As the sun retreats beyond the horizon and the world dons its velvet cloak, a magical transformation unfolds beneath the darkness
Mistress of the Moon
Since coming out of the broom closet, one of the most common questions my friends ask me is “what are you doing on the full moon?”
5 Minute Moon Magic
Are you feeling low on energy but still craving that full moon magic?
The Mystery of the Moon
The moon is a mysterious, ever-changing source of energy that represents the divine feminine, our intuition and emotions, the phases of the season, and the flowing of the tides.