Astrology: Saturn
Saturn is a powerful planet associated with the energies of limitation, structure, and karma.
Sacred Sands
From ancient rituals to modern practices, sand is more magical than you might think.
Enchanted Recipes to Try at Home
Whether you seek love, prosperity, healing, or protection, the kitchen can be your cauldron of creation.
5 Minute Water Magic
Here is a simple ritual to connect with the element of water.
Goddess Arianrhod
Arianrhod is the Celtic Star goddess, whose name translates as The Silver Wheel.
Pearls: Pretty & Powerful
Pearls are like an energy-boosting genie, and can add some serious oomph to any spell you’ve got going on.
Eco Witching: How to Practice Sustainable Magic
In today’s bustling world, the call of nature resounds even more strongly as witches embrace the transformative path of Eco Witchcraft.
5 Minute Fire Magic
Here's a quick way to honour and connect with the element of Fire: