Astrology: Mercury
Mercury is a potent planet in the astrological and magical worlds.
Astrology: The Moon
The moon is a mysterious, ever-changing source of energy that has been worshipped by cultures around the world.
Astrology: The Sun
The sun is a symbol of power and strength, and, in many cultures, an aspect of divinity.
5 Minute Earth Magic
Here are a few easy steps to honour and connect with the element of Earth
The Mystery of the Moon
The moon is a mysterious, ever-changing source of energy that represents the divine feminine, our intuition and emotions, the phases of the season, and the flowing of the tides.
Give Me Some Sun Energy!
The sun is a symbol of power, strength, and an aspect of masculine divinity.
Nightmare Protection Spell
A restful night’s sleep is essential for physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.
Unlock The Secrets of The Stars
Do you ever wonder why you seem to have a natural affinity for certain people or activities?