Sun Magic
Did you know you channel the warm glow of the suns rays into some serious witchcraft?
Not only is this the birthstone of those born in January, but it has the ability to grant its wearer health and happiness.
A Waxing Moon Ritual
This ritual is perfect if you’re manifesting with the cycles of the moon or if you’re embarking on a new adventure and you need a little boost of energy, strength, or confidence.
5 Ways to Connect with Rhiannon
Rhiannon is a powerful fertility goddess and has a deep feminine energy.
Seven Days of Spells
Did you know that each day of the week holds certain energies that we can tap into?
The Mother’s Wisdom
The mother embodies fertility, abundance, and love. Her feminine power is in full bloom and she has the ability to create and nurture life.
Candle Spell for Success
This easy-to-perform candle spell is the perfect companion for the New Moon in Capricorn.
Saturn’s Forge: Protection Witchwork and Overcoming Challenges through Saturn Magic
Saturn is the celestial taskmaster, teaching us discipline, structure, and the art of transformation.
Encountering Lilith: Empowerment Through Meditation
Throughout history, Lilith has emerged as a goddess, a demoness, and a symbol of rebellion against the constraints of the patriarchy.