Goddess Persephone
Persephone is the ultimate embodiment of the changing seasons, and she's got quite the origin story.
Heeding the Call: Honouring Deities in Modern Witchcraft
Choosing a deity to work with is a combination of intuition, research and resonance.
Top 10 Crone Goddesses
Think of crone goddesses as the sage grandmothers of the divine world - wise, experienced, and brimming with ancient knowledge.
Seasonal Witchcraft: Embracing the Magic of the Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year is a witch’s cosmic calendar.
Goddess Arianrhod
Arianrhod is the Celtic Star goddess, whose name translates as The Silver Wheel.
Eco Witching: How to Practice Sustainable Magic
In today’s bustling world, the call of nature resounds even more strongly as witches embrace the transformative path of Eco Witchcraft.
Enhancing Your Intuition with Pendulum Magick
Pendulum magick is a time-honoured practice within witchcraft.
Mischief Makers: The Role of Tricksters in Mythology
In the world of mythology and storytelling, there lives a class of characters that defy norms and dance on the edge of chaos.
Getting Started with Shadow Work
Shadow work is an integral part of any spiritual practice.