From Hexing to Warding: Decoding Baneful Magic
First, let’s start off by saying there is no inherently ‘darker’ side to witchcraft. The notion of categorising magic into black and white is a relatively modern construct, riddled with historical and cultural biases. We want to make it abundantly clear: witchcraft, in its many forms, predates these modern divisions. It was an integral part of life long before organised religion became prevalent (not to mention the idea that we summon dark Christian forces to do our bidding is completely incorrect – modern Christian witches, maybe. But not pagan practitioners).
We should note that we’re not condoning impacting the free will of others, nor are we saying you should practice baneful magic. It can just help to know the difference between the less talked about practices. That’s where we come in. We’re here to help you unravel the intriguing distinctions between the different forms of magic. So, join us as we delve into the world of baneful magic, hexing, cursing, and warding.
So what is Baneful magic?
Baneful magic is like the umbrella term for most magic considered harmful. It covers hexes, curses, and any other magical mischief that aims to harm or manipulate others. People turn to baneful magic for many different reasons – revenge, protection, or even self-defense. It’s essential to understand the driving force behind your magical actions.
Baneful magic carries a hefty responsibility. It’s like wielding a magical sword; you need to be sure it’s for the right cause. Intent is everything here. Are you protecting yourself or settling a score? Your intentions and reasoning need to be crystal clear.
Hexing v. Cursing: what’s the difference?
Hexing is the best way to describe casting a spell on someone else to cause trouble and bring negative influence upon them. Think of it as a metaphysical misfortune delivery service. You collect your items, package them up and tell the universe where you want it to go. Cursing, on the other hand, is a verbal or written way of wishing misfortune for someone. While cursing sounds less complicated and impactful, it’s actually the opposite. In witchcraft, how you feel and what your intent is trumps any rare ingredients you can throw into a jar. You may have heard of the woman during the burning times who muttered ‘lame him’ to a man who disrespected her that resulted in his death almost immediately. This would be a perfect example of a curse.
Hexing is like an annoyance spell, while cursing is more like an all-out magical smackdown. Hexing might give someone a string of bad luck or cause annoyances like a pesky rash, but cursing could bring them a bad year or seriously ill health. So, it’s important to understand the gravity of your magical actions.
Hexing and cursing aren’t just parlor tricks; they come with serious ethical questions. You’re tampering with someone’s life, after all. Remember, that some believe the energy you put out into the world tends to boomerang back to you (the Three Fold Law in Wicca, the concept of Karma, and so on). While not everyone subscribes to the same notions, you should approach hexing and cursing seriously and take your own belief system into account.

What about Warding?
Warding is like a magical home security system, placing invisible sentinels around your space, objects, or even yourself to keep unwanted energy or entities at bay. Think of it as your mystical bouncer. It can be done in many different ways, from drawing protective sigils to crafting charms or chanting incantations.
Warding isn’t just about keeping out the bad vibes; it’s also about creating a sacred and safe space for your magical practice. It’s like setting the stage for a mystical performance. It’s a form of protection that is generally considered safe and ethical for most witches. After all, you’re just protecting your turf.
On the same note, Return to Sender spells aren’t a conjuration of negative energy like hexing or cursing. They’re a form of warding that not only protects you, they send the ill intentions being fired at you back to the person they belong to. Return to Sender spells create a protective and reflective barrier around you, and are used when its known that someone is actively wishing you ill, cursing, or hexing you. Really, it’s just desserts.
Ultimately, it’s up to you how you feel about these kinds of witchcraft. How you approach them depends on your own belief system, ethics, and intentions. We hope this helps unblur the lines!