The full moon is a mesmerising celestial event, a glowing orb that lights up the night sky and fills the world with an undeniable energy. For witches, it’s a time

The ApothecaryView All

Ah, mugwort—beloved by witches, herbalists, and dreamers alike. With its silvery leaves and rich folklore, this humble herb has a long-standing reputation as a botanical ally for all things mystical.

What's the buzz about this happy little stone?

A must have in your witch's toolkit.

Put the power of the sun in the palm of your hand.

Emerald's lush green hues are filled with all kinds of magic.

Tarot & DivinationView All

The moon's phases have long been a source of mystical power and inspiration. Each phase of the moon carries unique energies that can enhance your tarot readings, providing deeper insights

A Gemini always seems to do multiple things at the same time!

The Emperor demonstrates authority, stability, and control. This card is all about order, structure, and leadership.  He’s the embodiment of governance, and brings qualities like strength, stability, and discipline. The Emperor