Autumn Equinox Magic: Deep Inner Shift and New Beginnings
As autumn’s golden glow settles, embrace its magic, reflect, realign, and weave seasonal enchantment into your craft.
All About Samhain
Samhain is a magical time, where the veil between our world and the spirit world is especially thin.
All About Mabon
The autumn equinox - aka Mabon - is a time of balance, accomplishment, and gratitude.
Seasonal Witchcraft: Embracing the Magic of the Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year is a witch’s cosmic calendar.
A Witch’s Guide to Spring in the Southern Hemisphere
As the flowers bloom and the temperature rises, it’s almost time to shake off the shackles of winter and dive into the practices that make springtime spellbinding!
What is an Esbat?
An esbat is a sacred gathering or ritual to honour the phases of the moon - mostly new or full.