How Do Witchcraft Spells Work?
If you've ever wondered how spells work, you’re not alone. From bubbling cauldrons to neatly written petitions tucked under pillows, magic takes many forms
Herbs for Dream Magic
In witchcraft, we can turn to herbs to enhance dream recall, encourage lucid dreaming, or even receive prophetic visions while we sleep.
Witchcraft Without the Tools
The core of magic is intention, the ability to direct energy with focus and purpose.
Magical Teas and How to Use Them
Whether sipped with intention, used for divination, or incorporated into ritual, tea is a subtle but potent form of everyday magic.
Modern Witchcraft and The Witch Wound – ABC Radio Interview with Leela Cosgrove
On Saturday 25th January, High Priestess founder and CEO Leela Cosgrove was invited into the ABC studios in Brisbane to talk about Witchcraft, how it intersects with feminism, the Witch Wound and her own journey into Witchcraft. Transcript: Spencer: Leela Cosgrove.
Beyond the Crystal Ball: Water, Fire, and Mirror Scrying
Though the crystal ball is the most well-known scrying tool, other elements—water, fire, and mirrors—offer equally potent means of unlocking hidden knowledge
The Power of Knot Magic: Binding, Protection, and Manifestation
Knot magic is one of the oldest and most enduring forms of spellwork
The Magic of Thresholds: Doorways, Windows, and Crossroads
Thresholds are places of transition, the spaces between what was and what will be.
Drawing Down the Moon: A Full Moon Ritual for Empowerment
The full moon is a mesmerising celestial event, a glowing orb that lights up the night sky and fills the world with an undeniable energy. For witches, it’s a time of high magic and power, perfect for drawing down the
Magical Mugwort
Ah, mugwort—beloved by witches, herbalists, and dreamers alike. With its silvery leaves and rich folklore, this humble herb has a long-standing reputation as a botanical ally for all things mystical.