What is an Esbat?
An esbat is a sacred gathering or ritual to honour the phases of the moon - mostly new or full.
Protection Spell: The Freezer Spell
On a small piece of paper, write down the name of the person or thing that is plaguing your life right now.
The Power of Intention in Everyday Life
I remember a few years ago when I was gifted the mantra “I live my life consciously and intentionally” - it felt like, up until that point, life was something that just happened to me.
How To Cultivate An Abundance Mindset
Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough – enough money, enough time, or enough energy?
Stir Your Coffee and Cast a Spell!
When you hear the word ‘spell’, chances are you think of witches and wizards, stirring up cauldrons of mysterious concoctions or sparks shooting out of the end of a twisted elder wand.