The Witch’s Flame: Extinguishing Candles with Intention
Your spell’s power lingers in the flame—will you blow, snuff, or let it burn? The choice is yours, steeped in intent.
Are Some Songs Spells? Let’s Unlock the Magic in Music
What if some songs aren’t just magical, they’re actual spells? Dive into the sonic enchantments of Lady Gaga’s “Abracadabra,” Rihanna’s “Pour It Up,” and the ethereal soundscapes of Stevie Nicks
Drawing Down the Moon: A Full Moon Ritual for Empowerment
The full moon is a mesmerising celestial event, a glowing orb that lights up the night sky and fills the world with an undeniable energy. For witches, it’s a time of high magic and power, perfect for drawing down the
Ritual for Creative Inspiration
Whether you’re an artist, writer, musician, or simply seeking a burst of inspiration, this ritual is designed to ignite your creative fire.
Bedroom Blessing Ritual
A simple ritual to turn your bedroom into a sacred space of renewal and rest.
A Mabon Ritual
The Autumn skies are sharp and warm, the deciduous trees are turning red and gold. Across Australia, the eucalypts have reached the end of their water stores, their leaves dry and curled - ready for the Autumn rains and the
A Simple Protection Ritual
Need a little help? This simple ritual brings some magical security.
Full Moon Forgiveness Ritual
Witchcraft isn’t always about gaining something, sometimes it’s about losing something; removing blockages that hold you back from living your full potential.
A Waxing Moon Ritual
This ritual is perfect if you’re manifesting with the cycles of the moon or if you’re embarking on a new adventure and you need a little boost of energy, strength, or confidence.