Waning Moon Magic
The waning moon, with its decreasing light, symbolises a cosmic pause, a moment of reflection, and an opportunity for renewal.
As the moon gracefully transitions from full to new, it enters the waning phase – an exquisite invitation for us to turn inwards, exhale, and release what no longer serves our souls. During this phase, the moon is saying, “It’s time to let go,” urging us to embark on a journey of self-care, healing, and protection.
This lunar spa day is your personal cosmic retreat – an ideal time for banishing spells, the removal of negativity, and the infusion of protective energies. It’s a gentle cosmic nudge to release the attachments that hold us back and to bid farewell to self-limiting beliefs.
Harnessing Waning Moon Magic
Every lunar phase plays a vital role in the chapters of life, forming a harmonious cycle that empowers us with balance and serenity. The waning moon offers its cosmic support to let go, heal, and safeguard our magical selves.
It’s the perfect time to perform cord cuttings, banishments, and to cast out negative thoughts.
Nature’s Partners in Waning Moon Magic
To deepen your connection with the waning moon, consider the following magical allies:
Herbs: Lavender, chamomile, and mugwort are excellent companions for rituals focused on release, healing, and protection.
Flowers: Choose marigolds, honeysuckle, or yarrow to symbolise cleansing, transformation, and protection.
Crystals: Black tourmaline, obsidian, and hematite are known for their protective qualities, making them ideal for waning moon rituals.
Incorporate these ingredients into your practices to amplify the potency of your waning moon spells and rituals, allowing the moon’s gentle embrace to guide you on your path of release and renewal.
Rituals and Spells for the Waning Moon

Cord-Cutting Ritual
Banishing Negative Thoughts
Letting Go Spell
Protection from Negativity Amulet
Cleansing Ritual
Now, let’s explore some enchanting spells and rituals that align perfectly with the waning moon’s energies:
Cord-Cutting Ritual
To release attachments or negative energies.
What you’ll need:
- A piece of cord
- A cauldron or fireproof bowl
- Scissors
The ritual:
Sit in a quiet, darkened space with your cord in your hand and take a moment to ground yourself.
As you slip into a relaxed, meditative state, visualise cords coming from your heart. Some of them lead to good things, others to darkness. Identify the person or thing you want to remove your energetic ties from, and find the cord that is holding you together. When you find it, grab it and open your eyes.
Get the scissors, and cut through the cord in your hand. As you cut, say, “With this waning energy, I release what doesn’t serve me.”
Safely burn the cut cord in your fireproof container, watching the negative ties transform into smoke and ash.
Banishing Negative Thoughts
To remove self-limiting, negative thoughts and self-doubt.
What you’ll need:
- A black candle
- Pen and paper
- A cauldron or fireproof bowl
The spell:
Light the black candle and sit quietly., taking a moment to ground your energy.
Write down your negative thoughts or self-doubts on the paper, visualising as they leave you – through your mind, your hand, your pen, and resting finally on the paper.
Safely burn the paper with the flame and drop it in your fireproof container, watching the bad energy turn to ash.
When you feel ready, blow out the candle, effectively sending the negativity away.
Letting Go Spell
To let go of something that no longer serves your highest good.
What you’ll need:
- Pen and paper
- A natural body of water like a river or stream
The spell:
On the waning moon, visit a natural body of water.
Write down what you need to let go of – grief, hurt, anger, someone, something – and fold the paper up. Hold it in your hand and say:
“Thank you for being with me for the time that I needed you, but now I need to let you go.”
Cast the paper into the flowing water, watching it drift away.
If you feel the nature spirits were attracted to you during this time, sit with them a while. They are great at healing – make sure to thank them for the support they offer you.
Protection from Negativity Amulet
To protect yourself from negative influences.
What you’ll need:
- Black Witch’s Salt
- A small charm bag/pouch
The spell:
In sight of the waning moon, charge the black salt by holding it in your hands and focusing on your intent. Feel as the energy pulses from your palms to the salt, as you visualise a white energy growing from within your hands.
Pour the charged salt into the small cloth bag. Carry or wear the bag as an amulet when you feel you need an extra layer of protection.
Cleansing Ritual
To remove negative and lingering energies from your space.
What you’ll need:
- Incense or smudge stick
- A cauldron or fireproof bowl
The ritual:
Light the smudge stick and let it smolder, or simply light your incense.
Walk through your home, waving the stick to disperse smoke into each room. Pay extra attention to thresholds, corners, windows, and doorways.
As you do this, visualise the negative energies dissipating and being replaced by positive energy.
Safely extinguish the smudge stick in the fireproof dish once you’ve smudged your entire space, or place the incense in a holder on your altar.

It’s normal to be drawn to the happier phases, the ones where you get to step into your power and claim what’s yours – but finding balance and understanding why we need to sit in the dark sometimes is the key to a wholesome life. The waning moon provides us with the wisdom that not only is it okay to rest, is it okay to say no, but it’s necessary. Our growth is dependent on it.