Is It Written In The Stars? Zodiac Compatibility
Beyond personal growth and self-discovery, astrology also provides a powerful tool for assessing compatibility in various types of relationships, including romantic, friendship, and coven relationships.
Astrological compatibility is a fascinating field that examines the harmony and resonance between individuals’ astrological profiles. It considers various elements within birth charts to assess compatibility. These key elements include:
- Sun Signs: Sun signs are often the first astrological aspect people consider when assessing compatibility. They reveal core personality traits, desires, and motivations.
- Moon Signs: Moon signs reflect emotional needs, instincts, and inner responses. Compatibility in moon signs can indicate whether individuals understand and support each other’s emotional worlds.
- Rising Signs (Ascendants): The rising sign, or ascendant, represents how individuals present themselves to the world and their initial impressions. Harmonious rising signs can lead to a natural rapport.
- Planetary Placements: Compatibility analysis also considers the positions of other planets in both birth charts, such as Venus (love and affection), Mars (desire and action), and Mercury (communication). These planets shed light on different aspects of a relationship.
But because we can’t cover personal birth charts in this article, we’ve gathered the general compatibility of sun signs within love and coven dynamics for you. Just keep in mind that compatibility based solely on sun signs provides a basic overview and may not capture the complexity of a relationship.
There are two ways to discover the compatibility of sun signs: through trines and sextiles. Trines are the signs that occupy same element therefore vibe harmoniously, and sextiles are signs that are 60 degrees apart, giving them a playful balance.

Love: Leo & Aquarius
Aries and Leo share a fiery nature, a love for adventure, and a strong desire for leadership. Their mutual energy and passion can create a dynamic and exciting relationship.
Aries and Aquarius are both independent and adventurous. They appreciate each other’s free-spirited nature and are drawn to the excitement of unconventional love. Aquarius encourages Aries to explore new horizons.
Coven: Sagittarius & Gemini
Both Aries and Sagittarius are enthusiastic and dynamic. They share a love for exploration, knowledge, and taking bold risks.
Aries and Gemini share an affinity for out-of-the-box thinking and innovation. In a coven, their creative thinking and adaptability can lead to inventive rituals and practices. They are excellent at brainstorming and communicating ideas.

Love: Virgo & Pisces
Taurus appreciates Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail, while Virgo admires Taurus’s stability and sensuality. Together, they can build a secure and grounded partnership.
Taurus and Pisces are both gentle and romantic, enjoying the beauty of life and artistic pursuits. They share a deep emotional understanding and can create a relationship filled with love and creativity.
Coven: Capricorn & Cancer
Taurus and Capricorn both value stability and long-term goals. They work well together in planning and achieving collective goals within a coven setting.
Taurus and Cancer bring emotional depth and empathy to their coven. They are attuned to the needs of the group, ensuring a harmonious and supportive atmosphere.

Love: Libra & Leo
Gemini and Libra foster open communication and intellectual stimulation. They enjoy exploring various perspectives and appreciate each other’s social nature.
Gemini and Leo are drawn to each other’s charismatic and outgoing personalities. Their shared love for socializing and creative expression can lead to a fun-loving and enthusiastic romantic relationship.
Coven: Aquarius & Aries
Gemini and Aquarius share an affinity for intellectual pursuits and innovation. In a coven, their creative thinking and adaptability can lead to inventive rituals and practices.
Gemini and Aries are enthusiastic initiators within their coven. Their combined energy and willingness to take risks can lead to the development of exciting and adventurous rituals and magical experiments.

Love: Scorpio & Virgo
Cancer’s emotional depth aligns well with Scorpio’s intensity and passion. They can create a deep emotional bond and provide each other with unwavering support.
Cancer and Virgo are both practical and attentive to details. They share a strong sense of responsibility and create a loving and supportive partnership based on trust and reliability.
Coven: Pisces & Taurus
Cancer and Pisces are both water signs, making them highly empathetic and intuitive. In a coven, their emotional attunement can enhance group cohesion and understanding.
Cancer and Taurus bring stability and practicality to their coven. They are reliable and dedicated to the group’s well-being, ensuring that rituals and gatherings run smoothly.

Love: Aries & Gemini
Leo and Aries are both fire signs, creating a passionate and dynamic connection. They share a love for adventure and being in the spotlight, making their relationship exciting and vibrant.
Leo and Gemini enjoy open communication and intellectual stimulation. They value each other’s sociable nature and ability to explore various perspectives. This combination often leads to a harmonious and mentally engaging romantic relationship.
Coven: Sagittarius & Libra
Leo and Sagittarius bring enthusiasm and energy to their coven. They enjoy exploration and are often the driving force behind the group’s adventurous pursuits.
Leo and Libra can contribute to a coven’s vibrant and expressive magical practices. They thrive in group settings and can infuse rituals with a sense of harmony and artistic flair, making for memorable and appealing experiences.

Love: Taurus & Cancer
Virgo appreciates Taurus’s stability and sensuality, while Taurus values Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail. Their shared earth element fosters a secure and harmonious relationship.
Virgo and Cancer share an emotional connection and an appreciation for security and comfort. They create a loving and nurturing environment together, making this a strong love match.
Coven: Capricorn & Scorpio
Virgo and Capricorn, both earth signs, excel in planning and organization within a coven setting. Their practical approach ensures that rituals run smoothly and efficiently.
Virgo and Scorpio bring emotional intensity and depth to their coven’s practices. They are skilled at delving into the mysteries of magic and can create powerful and transformative rituals within the group.

Love: Gemini & Sagittarius
Libra and Gemini enjoy open communication and intellectual stimulation. They appreciate each other’s sociable nature and ability to explore various perspectives.
Libra and Sagittarius share an artistic spirit and a love for exploring new horizons. Their shared sense of optimism and enthusiasm can make for an exciting and dynamic romantic relationship.
Coven: Aquarius & Leo
Libra and Aquarius are air signs that promote innovative and creative thinking. In a coven, they bring fresh ideas and foster a harmonious group atmosphere.
Libra and Leo can contribute to a coven’s vibrant and expressive magical practices. They thrive in group settings and can infuse rituals with a sense of harmony and artistic flair, making for memorable and appealing experiences.

Love: Cancer & Capricorn
Scorpio’s emotional depth aligns well with Cancer’s nurturing and empathetic nature. They form a profound emotional connection and offer each other unwavering support.
Scorpio and Capricorn share a desire for long-term commitment. They create a stable and enduring love connection built on mutual goals and ambition.
Coven: Pisces & Virgo
Scorpio and Pisces, both water signs, are highly intuitive and empathetic. In a coven, they enhance group cohesion through their emotional attunement.
Scorpio and Virgo, both practical and detail-oriented, excel in planning and organizing within a coven. Their meticulous approach ensures that rituals are well-executed, and they are adept at managing the technical aspects of group activities. Their dedication and reliability benefit the coven.

Love: Libra & Aquarius
Sagittarius and Libra can contribute to a harmonious and pleasing romantic connection. They enjoy socializing and exploring artistic pursuits together.
Sagittarius and Aquarius, both free-spirited and open-minded, enjoy exploring new horizons and embarking on adventures together. Their shared love for exploration and intellectual pursuits can create an exhilarating romantic connection.
Coven: Aries & Leo
Sagittarius and Aries bring a pioneering spirit to their coven. They are often the initiators of new ideas and rituals.
Sagittarius and Leo bring enthusiasm and energy to their coven. They enjoy exploration and are often the driving force behind the group’s adventurous pursuits.

Love: Scorpio & Pisces
Capricorn and Scorpio share a desire for long-term commitment. They create a stable and enduring love connection built on mutual goals and ambition.
Capricorn and Pisces can create a grounded and supportive romantic partnership. Capricorn provides stability and structure, while Pisces brings creativity and emotional depth.
Coven: Virgo & Taurus
Capricorn and Virgo excel in planning and organization within a coven. Their meticulous approach ensures that rituals are well-executed.
Taurus and Capricorn are both earth signs, valuing stability and long-term goals. They work well together in planning and achieving collective goals within a coven setting.

Love: Aries & Sagittarius
Aquarius and Aries, both independent and innovative, share a sense of adventure and a desire for novelty. Their combined energy and enthusiasm can make for an exciting and dynamic romantic relationship.
Aquarius and Sagittarius, both free-spirited and open-minded, enjoy exploring new horizons and embarking on adventures together. Their shared love for exploration and intellectual pursuits can create an exhilarating romantic connection.
Coven: Gemini & Libra
Aquarius and Gemini, both air signs, bring innovative and creative thinking to their coven. They enjoy experimenting with different magical practices and ideas.
Libra and Aquarius promote innovative and creative thinking. In a coven, they bring fresh ideas and foster a harmonious group atmosphere.

Love: Taurus & Capricorn
Pisces and Taurus, while different in some ways, can form a harmonious and complementary romantic relationship. Taurus’s stability balances Pisces’s dreamy nature, creating a relationship where both partners support each other’s strengths.
Pisces and Capricorn can create a grounded and supportive romantic partnership. Capricorn provides stability and structure, while Pisces brings creativity and emotional depth.
Coven: Cancer & Scorpio
Pisces and Cancer are highly empathetic and attuned to emotions. In a coven, they enhance group harmony and understanding through their emotional sensitivity.
Pisces and Scorpio, both water signs, are highly intuitive and empathetic. In a coven, they enhance group cohesion through their emotional attunement.
Remember, this is simply based on harmony between elements and key traits – this list doesn’t take into account your entire chart or your personal experiences. If you’re looking through this list and you can’t see your current partner under your own sign, don’t stress! There are many more factors to take into account, and never let a list you found online tell you what to do with your life.
If you’d like a more in-depth understanding of your compatibility with others, we would suggest taking a deeper look into your birth chart to understand where your planets are (and if you have someone in mind, look into theirs too).