Correspondences for Protection Magic

Learning protection magic is key when you’re working with energies – this skill safeguards our energetic, physical, and spiritual well-being. Whether it’s shielding yourself from negative influences, creating a safe environment, or protecting loved ones, understanding and practising protection magic is essential. Today we’ve listed our go-to’s for apotropaic magic, so let’s dive in!


Black Obsidian is a powerful protective stone that shields against negativity and psychic attacks. It’s great for grounding and protecting your energy field, making it ideal for overall protection and clearing negative energies.

Black Tourmaline is known as the ultimate bodyguard. It repels and blocks negative energies, provides grounding, and protects against electromagnetic smog. It’s excellent for creating a protective barrier around your space or carrying with you for personal protection.

Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection and courage. It helps to ground and stabilise energy while providing mental clarity and focus. It’s particularly effective for protecting against ill-wishing and negative intentions from others.

Amethyst is a powerful protective and spiritual stone. It guards against psychic attacks, transmutes negative energy into love, and provides a spiritual shield. It’s ideal for protecting your spiritual and emotional well-being.

Smoky Quartz is a grounding and protective crystal that neutralises negative vibrations. It helps to release fear and stress, making it great for protection against emotional and environmental negativity.

Moonstone is associated with the moon and has a calming and protective energy. It’s particularly effective for protection during travel, emotional protection, and safeguarding during periods of change and new beginnings.


Sage is renowned for its cleansing and protective properties. It clears negative energy from spaces and objects, making it ideal for creating a purified and protected environment.

Rosemary is a versatile herb used for protection, purification, and healing. It creates a protective barrier and wards off negative influences, making it excellent for home and personal protection.

Lavender promotes peace and calm while providing protective energy. It is particularly useful for protecting against negative emotions and promoting a serene atmosphere.

Mugwort is used for protection against evil spirits and psychic attacks. It also enhances dreams and intuition, making it great for spiritual protection and warding off negative energies during sleep.

Bay Leaves are used for protection, purification, and banishing negativity. They can be carried or placed around the home to shield against harmful influences and attract positive energy.

Copal resin is burned for purification and protection. It clears away negative energy and creates a sacred, protected space, making it ideal for spiritual and physical protection.

Cypress is associated with protection and stability. It is used to guard against negative influences and promote strength and resilience, particularly in challenging situations.

Dragon’s Blood resin is a powerful protective substance. It enhances the potency of spells and rituals, creating a strong barrier against negative forces and providing overall protection.

Garlic is a traditional protective herb that wards off negative energies, spirits, and harm. It’s particularly effective for protecting against physical and spiritual threats and is often used in home protection.

Juniper is used for purification and protection. It clears out negative energy and provides clarity, making it excellent for protecting spaces and enhancing spiritual protection.

Pine is associated with protection and purification. It wards off negative influences and provides a strong protective barrier, making it ideal for home and personal protection.

Chamomile promotes peace and protection. It is particularly effective for emotional protection and calming fears, creating a serene and secure environment.

Yarrow is known for its protective and healing properties. It provides strong protection against negative influences and enhances courage and strength, making it great for personal and spiritual protection.

Geraniums are used for protection and warding off negative energy. They create a protective barrier around the home and promote a positive atmosphere.

Snapdragons are associated with protection and breaking curses. They are used to create a protective shield against harmful influences and negative energy.


Full Moon: The full moon is a time of peak energy. That heightened lunar power will amplify your intentions and create strong protective barriers.

Saturday: Ruled by Saturn, Saturday is typically associated with endings, protection, and banishing negativity. It’s ideal for rituals aimed at warding off harmful influences and creating lasting protection.

Tuesday: Ruled by Mars, Tuesday embodies strength, courage, and protection. It’s a powerful day for invoking protective energies and creating defensive magic.

Noon and Midnight: Noon is associated with the sun’s zenith, offering clarity and illumination for protection, while midnight is a potent time for invoking protective energies deep from within the spirit realm to guard you.

Waxing Moon: The waxing moon phase is a time of growth and building energy. It’s perfect for creating and strengthening protective shields and barriers.

Waning Moon: The waning moon phase is a time of decrease and banishing. It’s ideal for removing negative influences and clearing out unwanted energies.

When the Sun or Moon is in Cancer or Scorpio: Cancer and Scorpio are known for their hard outer shells, symbolising strong protection. Cancer’s nurturing energy can create protective barriers around loved ones, while Scorpio’s intense and transformative energy can banish negative forces and protect against psychic attacks.


Black is a powerful protective colour that absorbs negativity and provides a sense of safety. It’s essential for creating a secure environment and shielding against harmful influences.

White symbolises purity and protection. It reflects negative energy away from you and creates a safe, purified space.

Blue is associated with calm, peace, and protection. It can create a serene and protective barrier, especially against emotional and psychic attacks.


Athena: The Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena is a powerful protector known for her strategic mind and courage. She can help you devise effective protection plans and guard you against harm.

Bastet: The Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and protection, Bastet is often depicted as a lioness or a cat. She is a fierce guardian of the home and can provide protection against both physical and spiritual threats.

Durga: A Hindu goddess of war, Durga is known for her strength and protective nature. She combats evil forces and offers powerful protection against negative energies.

Green Tara: In Tibetan Buddhism, Green Tara is a compassionate deity who offers swift protection and aid. She can shield you from danger and guide you through difficult situations.

Hecate: The Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, and crossroads, Hecate is a powerful protector, especially against dark forces. She can guard you during transitions and offer strong protective energies.

Freya: The Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war, Freya is also a fierce protector. She can offer protection in battles, both physical and spiritual, and provide a shield against harm.

Tiamat: A primordial goddess in Babylonian mythology, Tiamat represents chaos and creation. She can provide powerful protection through her transformative and formidable energies.


Amulets are protective charms that can be worn or carried to guard against negative influences. They can be charged with specific intentions for personalised protection.

Iron is known for its protective properties. Placing iron nails around your property or in specific areas can create a strong protective barrier against harmful energies, or hang cast iron pots on your kitchen wall.

Railroad Spikes are used in protection magic to create boundaries and ward off negative influences. They are often used in home protection rituals.

Witch Bottles are protective talismans filled with sharp objects and personal items to trap and repel negative energy. They are buried or hidden in the home to provide long-lasting protection.

These correspondences can enhance your protection magic, providing you with the necessary tools and energies to create powerful defensive spells and rituals. Whether you’re looking to protect yourself, your loved ones, or your space, these correspondences offer a comprehensive approach to shielding against negativity and harm.