Moon Phase Tarot

The moon’s phases have long been a source of mystical power and inspiration. Each phase of the moon carries unique energies that can enhance your tarot readings, providing deeper insights and guidance. By aligning your tarot spreads with the moon phases, you can harness these lunar energies to illuminate your path and support your spiritual journey. Today, we’ve got some simple three-card layouts that align with each phase of the moon for you.


The new moon is a time for new beginnings, setting intentions, and planting seeds for the future. Use this time to focus on fresh starts and what you want to manifest in the coming lunar cycle.

Card 1: What to Focus On

What should I prioritise or set intentions for during this new moon?

Card 2: What to Let Go Of

What do I need to release to make space for new beginnings?

Card 3: What to Embrace

What new opportunities or energies should I welcome into my life?


The waxing moon is a period of growth and building momentum. This spread helps you identify ways to nurture your goals and make steady progress.

Card 1: Growing Energy

Where should I direct my energy to encourage growth?

Card 2: Potential Obstacles

What challenges might I face as I work towards my goals?

Card 3: Support System

What resources or support can I rely on to help me succeed?


The full moon represents culmination, illumination, and clarity. Use this time to gain insight into your achievements and areas of enlightenment.

Card 1: Achievements

What have I accomplished since the last new moon?

Card 2: Hidden Truths

What truths or revelations are coming to light?

Card 3: Next Steps 

How can I harness the full moon’s energy to move forward?


The waning moon is a time for release, reflection, and letting go of what no longer serves you. This spread focuses on clearing out the old to make way for the new.

Card 1: What to Release

What should I let go of during this waning moon?

Card 2: Lessons Learned

What lessons have I learned from recent experiences?

Card 3: Preparing for the Future

How can I prepare for the new cycle ahead?

Dark Moon

The dark moon period is a time for deep introspection and shadow work. This spread helps you explore your inner world and uncover hidden aspects of yourself.

Card 1: Shadow Self

What aspects of my shadow self need attention?

Card 2: Inner Wisdom

What inner wisdom can I access during this dark moon?

Card 3: Rebirth

How can I use this period of introspection to facilitate personal rebirth?

By aligning your tarot readings with the moon phases, you can deepen your connection to the lunar cycles and enhance your spiritual practice. Each phase offers unique insights and opportunities for growth, helping you navigate life with greater clarity and intention. 

Remember to consider the sign the moon is in too – while each moon phase holds significance for a time in your life, each sign holds significance over which area of your life to focus on.